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What Are Agile Testing?

One source of truth for all your marketing activities

Agile testing is an integral part of the software development and coding process, allowing your development team to work at a sustainable pace and increasing your time-to-market capabilities. When testing is not left to the very end of the project, it eases the pressure and continuously drives your business to better quality management.

With the Shinetech Agile testing team, you can have high-speed, on-demand software testing carried out on your software applications and digital platforms, and we are ready to start immediately.

Organizational velocity is your ultimate competitive advantage.

We work with companies with their own in-house and outsourced IT teams to expand their capabilities and efficiency. Each team consists of qualified team members with the required skills and fully collaborate with your in-house team. This setup enables continuous communication and interactions, leading to a better alignment of quality goals and uncovering an efficient QA process to incorporate testing into your process.

At Shinetech, we work at the velocity of your business, as your partner. We have a proven track record of providing Agile IT solutions for digital enterprises and consulting firms, large and small.

Shinetech Agile Testing

30 +

Full-time senior Agile testers

200 +

Testing projects delivered

300 +

Clients around the world

3+ years

Most of our clients have worked with us